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When does it rain excessively in Broward County

When does it rain excessively in Broward County

Yes, Broward County, Florida, receives a relatively high amount of rainfall, typical of a subtropical climate. Located in South Florida, Broward County experiences a wet season that lasts from May through October. During this period, the area is prone to frequent afternoon thunderstorms, tropical storms, and occasionally hurricanes, which contribute significantly to its annual rainfall.

On average, Broward County receives around 60-65 inches (1,524-1,651 mm) of rainfall per year. The wettest months are typically June through September, with each month averaging over 7 inches of rain. The dry season, from November to April, has significantly less rainfall, though occasional showers can still occur.

Does South Florida Roofs Receive a High amount of rain in the fall?

Yes, it does rain in South Florida during the fall months, though the amount of rainfall decreases as the season progresses. Fall in South Florida, generally considered from September to November, marks the transition from the wet season to the dry season.

September: Still part of the wet season, September is one of the rainiest months, with frequent thunderstorms and heavy rainfall. South Florida can receive around 6-9 inches of rain on average in September.

October: Rainfall begins to decrease, but October can still be quite wet, with about 4-6 inches of rainfall. The risk of tropical storms and hurricanes is still present, as hurricane season extends through November.

November: This month usually marks the beginning of the dry season, with a noticeable drop in rainfall to around 2-3 inches on average. Rainfall events become less frequent and less intense compared to the peak wet season months.

While fall sees a reduction in rain compared to the peak summer months, it is still common to experience rain, especially early in the season.

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